Hey service provider! I see you.

You're struggling to build a business that brings you consistent (high-paying) clients, consistent income, and consistent growth.

You're ready to skip to the part where you’re feeling confident, attracting ideal clients, charging higher rates, and managing your projects (and your clients) like a BOSS.

Only [!remaining!] spots available


"I was fully booked for 6 weeks into the future"

“Like a Boss is one of the best investments you could make in your business and in yourself.

I was fully booked for 6 weeks into the future (the first time that's happened), and I was booking higher value projects, including my first AUD$5000 project.

I think for the rest of my career, there'll be a clear Before & After split, with Like a Boss being the defining moment for everything that happens next.”

- Zoe Heard

"I had my first $10K month!"

“I had my first $10K month during Like a Boss.

Like a Boss provided me with clarity, structure, direction, and confidence.

Having clarity around what I'm offering, what my pricing is, and who I'm wanting to work with has given me the courage to show up in those spaces and talk confidently about what I'm doing, who I'm doing it for, and what my process looks like.

Now I feel like I can shepherd clients through that process instead of me approaching clients like: “Hey, well…what do you want me to do?”

- Katie Little

You’re on the feast and famine train.

And no matter how hard you try, you can't seem to get off.

You’ve got big dreams for your business, but you’re feeling completely overwhelmed by all the things you need to do.

And you don’t know what to do first.

Whether it's kids, a full-time job, a part-time job, or frequent travel... you're dealing with some serious time constraints, which means your business cannot take up your entire life. (And you don’t want it to!)

This lack of time mixed in with overwhelm, the struggle to prioritise, and an inability to focus on the tasks that'll move you forward...well, that leads to procrastination.

Or maybe even the complete opposite!

Maybe you're hyperfocusing on your daily to-dos just so you can get through the week...instead of focusing on the business activities that’ll get you through the next 10 years.

You don’t know what needs fixing or how, but you know something needs to change.

Your confidence is slowly fading, your motivation is melting away, and you're starting to wonder if you're any good at this whole business thing.

You want (no, you need) a consistent stream of ideal, high-paying clients who come to you

When you release the shame of struggling to find well-paying clients who respect the value you bring…

You know you’re skilled at your craft.

You're struggling because you don't know how to run the business side of your business.

And that's not your fault.

I repeat: it's not your fault you don’t know how to manage the business side of your business.

If no one’s ever taught you, HOW are you supposed to know?

I mean, you know how to make $1-$3K-ish a month, and you know how to land meh clients. But you’re ready for so much more.

More success, more visibility, more respect, more money, more clients – better clients, a better business.

You’re ready for business systems and processes that allow you to command high rates and attract high-quality clients.

You’re ready to stop bouncing between feast and famine cycles, and start having consistent income months – whether that means $3K, $5K or $10K months.

You’re ready to up your game and accelerate your success

  • You’re ready to increase your revenue while working fewer hours, so you can spend that extra time having fun, playing with your kids, or travelling.
  • You’re ready to work on your visibility and become THE known expert in your field, so you can easily and consistently attract high-paying clients who respect your expertise and experience (and never question your work).
  • You’re ready to redefine your services, packages and prices so your revenue and profit are higher than ever.
  • You’re ready to smash your income goals month on month.
  • You’re ready for clients to find YOU and for a consistent stream of enquiries – because as much as you believe in cold-pitching, it’s a fudging time suck.
  • You’re ready to grow your business – FAST

You know this kind of speedy business growth is possible because you’ve seen me and a bunch of other business owners do it.

You just don’t know how to make this possible for *you*. 

I’m ready to show you how to cross the bridge that takes you from where you are now...to where you want to be.

"Eman is a rocket with no sign of stopping..."

“For the last few years, I saw Eman watching in the background. What I didn’t realize was, she was planning to take over the entire industry.

Now that she’s in action, Eman is everywhere. Every conference, every referral, every success story...

And she’s earned her spot. Eman is a rocket with no sign of stopping and the world has noticed.”

- Justin Blackman, Pretty Fly Copy

"I’ve seen Eman’s business skyrocket"

“I’ve seen Eman’s business absolutely skyrocket.

When I first saw her work, I knew she was incredibly talented. What you never know is if someone has the ability to build a business around that talent. Eman does, and she has.

I’ve looked at her actual numbers for the last year, so I know for a fact that she’s capable of both. She’s got laser focus, a great attitude and an innate business sense that makes her a natural to help others achieve what she has.”

- Amy Posner, Amyposner.com & 10XFC Coach

Hey you, I’m Eman 👋🏽

✨ 6-Figure British Business Owner ✨

I’m a British business owner who charges premium rates and my highest paying clients aren’t American.

It’s not just our lovely American friends who know how to make money :) 

I’m proof that non US-based business owners can do it too!

✨ Working Service Provider ✨

I’m a working service provider who’s tuned into the realities of offering 1:1 services and working with clients every single day.

I make most of my 6-figure revenue from 1:1 client work.

I’m a service-provider first, coach second.

✨ Life-Comes-First Business Owner ✨

I take a life-first, business-second approach. Business isn’t the most important thing in my life.

With two kids to care for, I know how important it is to build a business that leaves room for the important stuff.

Whether that’s kids, travel, or hobbies.

A few years ago, I was *you*

Back in 2020, I was just plodding along with my little business – stuck in feast and famine mode

Making £4000 some months and £300 other months (thanks Covid).

And then...my business went whoooOOOOSH!

Yupp – at the height of the pandemic, my business completely took off. I almost tripled my revenue (a 258% increase if we’re getting specific).

Today, I’m running a 6-figure service business.

I went from working with small charities and small business owners who queried my invoices, gasped at my (very) modest prices, ghosted my proposals and our retainer agreements to…

⚡️ Being hired by multi-6 and 7-figure powerhouses

⚡️ Landing $16,000 projects

⚡️ Having an award-winning Hubspot podcast

⚡️ Being in a paid partnership with my dream brand, ConvertKit.

I’ve also been told I’m everywhere

(I’m not really everywhere. But I’m definitely in a good few places)

My podcast, Mistakes That Made Me, has featured some pretty big names in business. (Think: Laura Belgray, Claire Pells, Tarzan Kay, Emily Thompson, Vivian Kaye, and so many more).

It's a multi-award-winning business podcast that's now part of the Hubspot Podcast Network.

Other places you might've seen me:

  • I'm officially a paid partner (i.e. influencer) for ConvertKit
  • I'm an Atomicon 2024 speaker
  • I’ve guested on more podcasts than I can count  – including The Copywriter Club, Being Boss, Being Freelance, and The Get Paid Podcast.
  • I was a keynote speaker at The Copywriter Club (Not) in Real Life Conference in 2021, hosted by Kira Hug and Rob Marsh.
  • I delivered a Tutorial Tuesday for Joanna Wiebe/Copyhackers.
  • I was featured in Copyhackers’ new book on 6-figure freelancers 
  • I’ve delivered countless (literally countless) more guest workshops and webinars (including a live talk for Inbox Expo in Spain and an expert speaker session for MarketingProfs).

I went from being a relatively invisible business owner who wasn’t 100% sure of what she was doing...to a business owner who’s doing the thing and doing it well.

And I want to help you do the same. Here’s how...


Get the practical training and guidance you need to command drool-worthy rates, manage clients with the confidence of a CEO, and build a service business that aligns with the life you want

Only [!remaining!] spots available.

Next cohort starts on 11th March 2024 and ends on 3rd June 2024.

"I secured my highest paid rate to date"

"My biggest win from Like a Boss was securing my highest paid rate to date.

It's a game changer to be amongst other people who are all having that moment of clarity together. With people that are in the same boat as you, but also growing with you as well.

I've been saved a world of pain by investing in this accessible, easily digestible, practically implementable programme.

I don't use the term "freelancer" anymore. In fact, it makes me cringe. Now, I can confidently say - I'm a Boss!"

Dionne Anderson

"I understand what I was missing"

“Before I joined Like a Boss, I was lost. 

Six months after graduating, I’ve now quit my job and become a full-time tech copywriter. I just signed a project with one of the directors of Google and I charged more than my dream rate.

Right before the project started, I went back to the training from this programme and made sure I implemented all the steps. My client said he’s never worked with anyone so on point. He loves everything about my process.

If you don't have the confidence to engage a client…if you're unsure about your processes and whether you're delivering real value to your clients: Like a Boss is definitely for you.

I appreciate everything Eman put together to help me understand what I was missing.”

- Wayne Holt

Take the guesswork out of growing your service business

When you join Like a Boss: The Live Experience, you’ll get access to the strategies that took me from a £15 an hour freelancer to a 6-figure BOSS business owner, so you too can...

  • Build a sustainable business that aligns with your goals and the life you want
  • Work less but earn more, so you can hit your income goals month on month (without sacrificing your free time or quality time with your kids)
  • Attract clients you love and dream projects that energise you (rather than drain you)
  • Discover how to manage clients with confidence so you’re the one in the driver’s seat from enquiry to project delivery
  • Redefine your offers and prices, saving you time on prospecting and proposals, and making it easier and faster for you to deliver more profitable projects
  • Provide 5* customer experience so you can command drool-worthy rates and feel confident dropping high figures to prospects
  • Have clients respect you as the expert and authority. That means no push-back and complete trust in the way you run your show
  • Increase your visibility and get known for the things you *actually* want to be known for

🔥 Adri Kopp went from making $2-3K a month...

to having her first $11K month! 🔥

Like a Boss is built on 4 pillars 👇🏽

1. Strategy

Get specific strategies and action steps that show you how to build the BOSS business you want...

...and how to avoid common mistakes that keep you stuck in freelancer (vs. business owner) land.

2. Implementation

Learning strategy is completely useless if you don’t implement it.

This programme will help you put what you learn into ACTION.

3. Community

Join my intimate community of 16 business owners where you don't have to shout to be heard or to get support.

You'll get tailored coaching, have your burning questions answered, have somewhere to exchange ideas, and get advice.

4. Accountability

Use the Like a Boss spreadsheet to stay on track with your goals so you never forget the commitments you've made to yourself.

And yes, you'll get a gentle kick up the back-side when you need one.

Wanna take a sneak peek inside?

Like a Boss is made up of 5 core training modules that give you the step-by-step guidance you need to run your service business like a pro.

Each core training comes with a guided workbook and a handy checklist. You'll also get behind-the-scenes walk-throughs, over-the-shoulder tutorials, and treasured business templates.

"I felt like a kid in a candy shop. I thought: okay, finally. I'm here."

“Like a Boss is the best way to download the huge library of powerful, action-focused business secrets inside Eman’s head, and apply it to fast-track your own success as a business owner.”

– Melissa Payne

"I felt like a kid in a candy shop. I felt that when the pre-training was first unlocked, even just diving into the guest expert sessions before I'd even started the first core module.

I was taking furious notes and thought: 'Okay, finally. I'm here. I'm here in a place where someone knows what I need and they have put it all in one place and I don't have to guess anymore.'"

– Katie Little

As soon as you join Like a Boss: The Live Experience, you'll get immediate access to The Pre-Training Workbook.

This self-reflective workbook allows you to explore and decipher:

✅ Your struggles

✅ What's working in your business

✅ What's not working in your business

✅ Your most important goals and objectives

✅ The steps you're willing to take to reach them

Once you've done this essential groundwork, you'll know your business, your wants, needs and goals more intimately than ever before.

Only then will you be ready to dive into the first core training and start doing the work of transforming your business.

Simple ways to secure a steady stream of quality leads

You know how to land clients...but landing ideal or dream clients? That’s a different ballgame entirely.

When you know how to attract ideal clients consistently, you can get picky with who you work with, create a waitlist of right-fit clients, and become an in-demand service provider.

In this first core training, you’ll...

  • Find out exactly how I landed my biggest clients and how you can find a method of client attraction that works for you
  • Discover the key to repelling clients from hell and instead attracting right-fit leads that are a dream to work with
  • Get access to the sales call method that helps me land 2 out of every 3 sales calls
  • Unlock the simple system that turns a one-off project into ongoing projects that multiply your revenue
  • Learn to avoid the common mistakes that suck your time and potential income
  • Become a pro at proving your value and convincing prospects to hire you

“What helped me to gain all this confidence was the clarity of who I want to work with, why, how and what the process is going to be like.

Everything fell into place. And now that I have the foundations and the confidence, I'm actually quite sure that I'm going to be able to attract the right clients and actually grow and scale my business to places I never thought were even possible.”

Yuval Ackerman

Establish Boss systems and processes (with a focus on onboarding and offboarding)

Now you know how to land quality leads consistently, it’s time to get your haphazard, all-in-your-head, semi-working systems and processes in check – so you can convince your clients you're worthy of the big bucks.

In this core training, you’ll...

  • Discover the #1 rule of customer service that convinces prospects to pay you your dream rates
  • Get an under-the-hood look at my systems, processes and workflows, and see how I onboard and offboard my biggest clients (video walk-throughs and examples included)
  • Get access to my Ultimate Project Workflow template. The one that takes you from enquiry to project delivery. (There’s also a version for my VIP Week and productised service workflows that I share in the fourth core training)
  • Get your hands on the entire body of email templates I use for smooth and consistent client management. Steal them for yourself and use to them to save your time, energy and brain power
  • Find out the easy way to gather testimonials and referrals, so your social proof generates more leads (and better quality leads too)
  • Identify the workflow, systems and processes that work best for you, and start putting them into place for your next client

"I was initiated into a whole new way of running a service business"

"The offboarding and onboarding training was my favourite. It was like I was initiated into a whole new way of running a business. Gave me a lot of ‘Aha! moments’.

If I hadn’t enrolled on this programme, I probably would never have been able to DIY all these onboarding, offboarding, workflows, communication flows, etc. by myself.

There were so many steps that I would never have thought of."

– Amina Oke

"There were so many details I hadn't thought of!"

Eman shared her own workflows she uses in her own business.

Seeing these helped me tighten up my own processes and identify lots of opportunities to connect with and strengthen the bond with my clients. 

So many details I just hadn't thought of! Now my processes are seamless.

– Melissa Payne

"My client LOVED my processes!"

“At the end of a briefing call yesterday, my client said: 'By the way, I really have to commend you. Your processes are awesome!' 😃😃😃

And in my head, I thought, ‘Damn right they are! That is most definitely ALL Eman!'”

– Dionne Anderson

Manage your clients like a Boss

With your boss onboarding and offboarding coming together, now it’s time to work on everything in between so you can deliver a boss service.

Most service providers think charging the big bucks is about being the best in the game – but it’s not.

Often it’s your ability to manage clients, your ability to make them feel taken care of and understood, and your ability to provide an exceptional customer experience that allows you to charge drool-worthy rates.

Which is why in this core training, you’ll…

  • Move away from being an order-taker and become a respected partner and expert in the eyes of your clients
  • Get yourself back in the driver’s seat and run a business that works for you, your lifestyle, your strengths and your weaknesses
  • Dramatically reduce the push-back you get from clients, the number of edits/revisions you have to do, and the unclear feedback that leaves you feeling under-confident and confused 
  • Come face-to-face with communication best practices, so your clients are always in the loop when it comes to you and their project
  • Learn how to systemise 5-star customer service that has your clients raving about you and coming back for more
  • Discover the small but important touches that’ll differentiate you from 95% of other service providers
  • Get behind-the-scenes access to my processes, templates and project deliverables, and use them to better manage your clients

(Totally optional but highly recommended)

By this point in the programme, you'll be feeling inspired, motivated, and unbelievably impressed by the shifts you've been able to make in your business.

With three big core training modules now under your belt, it's normal to feel a little overwhelmed by all the information that's coming your way.

You'll likely need a little extra time to catch up on the action points you haven't found time to implement (just like past members did).

That's why at this point in the programme, you'll get two weeks of implementation time.

We won't move on to any new core training modules during this time. Instead, you'll focus on digesting everything you've learnt and putting this knowledge into action.

Because implementation is everything in Like a Boss.

Once those two weeks are up and you’ve caught up on implementation, we'll move on to the next core training...

Upgrade your offers, packages and prices

Time to redefine your offers and pricing so your ideal clients understand how they can work with you, and so they feel your higher rates are justified.

In this fourth core training, you’ll...

  • Replace your “I-do-a-little-bit-of-everything” bio with a specific set of services and offers, so you can charge boss rates that comfort ideal clients and repel wrong-fit ones 
  • Stop taking whatever work is available and start working on dream projects that were made for you
  • Get the deets on how I’ve managed to avoid writing lengthy proposals/scopes of work and signed thousands of dollars worth of projects after just one 45-minute sales call
  • Figure out how to position your services and offer what your clients need (instead of what you want)
  • Discover the systems and processes behind creating productised services and VIP Weeks that maximise your income and allow you to work less
  • Get started on creating your own productised service or VIP Week

Get visible and market your business like a Boss

Offers, optimised? Packages, packaged? Rates, raised? Check ✅

Now it’s time to create your boss visibility strategy so you can become irresistible to both ideal clients and speaker-seekers.

In this final core training, you’ll…

  • Grow your audience by creating a visibility plan that brings in potential clients and speaking opportunities
  • Overcome your consistency challenges and draw up a plan that’s easy to maintain, and one that works around your strengths and preferences
  • Learn to leverage other people’s platforms, how to pitch podcasts and get invited to speak at events
  • Find out my strategy for getting onto countless podcasts – including The Copywriter Club, Being Boss, Being Freelance, and The Get Paid Podcast – and how to maximise this visibility so it continues to bring you opportunities for a long time afterwards 
  • Learn how to market successfully – even if you’re an introvert, extrovert, something in between, or if you feel like there isn’t space for someone like you in your industry
  • Get a breakdown of my marketing strategy across social media, email, my podcast, and guest speaking

"I feel confident!"

“I managed to find ways in which I feel comfortable and confident being visible.”  - Yuval Ackerman

– Yuval Ackerman

"I've started being more visible"

“I have started being more visible and reaching out for more opportunities, and going on more podcasts and running workshops.

So this month, I have two podcasts booked in. And I have also a workshop that I'm going to be running.”

- Melissa Payne

You’ll also get...

The Private Slack Community

Get full access to me, my brain and the behind-the-scenes of my business in the Slack community.

Ask questions, get accountability, share your challenges and struggles, celebrate your wins, and chat with your fellow Like a Boss members by the virtual watercooler.

Ask Me Anything Group Calls

Our 60-minute Ask Me Anything group calls give you the chance to get (virtual) face-to-face support. We’ll workshop through your struggles and make sure all your questions are answered.

These calls take place every two weeks, and they happen during the weeks a core training hasn’t been released. That way, you’ll have time to watch the training, implement it, and then bring your ideas and questions to the call.

Calls happen every two weeks on Thursdays at 1pm-2pm GMT / 8am-9am ET. From 21st March to 30th May.

All Ask Me Anything calls will be recorded and available to watch within 48 hours.

Private Podcast Feed

All core trainings are uploaded as podcast episodes so you can listen to them on Apple Podcasts (or a range of other podcast players) with the click of a button.

Catch up or re-listen to core training modules while you’re walking to work, on a run, or driving the kids to school.

Whatever else you’re juggling, this programme is designed to fit into your life with ease.

The Nail Your Niche BONUS training

Most niche-related training teaches you how to pick a niche.

My Nail Your Niche bonus training dives deep into how to grow your business AFTER you specialise.

Drawing on my own experiences of going from being invisible in the email world, to someone who’s established herself an email expert...

I share the step-by-step process that’ll help you get over the fear of narrowing down and take your specialism’s world by storm.

Access to my Private Membership*

*For the duration of Like a Boss

Get free access to weekly bonus content in my Mistakes That Made Me: Private Membership.

Bonus content is released every Friday and includes –

🔥 A Private Q&A Series with me

🔥 Extended interviews with Mistakes That Made Me guests

🔥 Eman’s Bite-Size Business Diary 

🔥 Private Monthly Newsletter

Most service providers who join Like a Boss are also part of other courses and programmes.

So I already know you’re asking yourself…

“What’s the difference between Like a Boss and other programmes?”

Lemme tell you...

"The TCC Accelerator and Like a Boss are totally different"

The TCC Accelerator and Like a Boss are totally different.

Although the topics covered are similar, I feel like The Accelerator is the appetiser of starting your business and Like a Boss is the full entree.

Like a Boss went into details I never even thought of – like what to put into your contracts, the whole client experience, and how to drum up more business with the clients you already have.

Like a Boss was a deep dive into everything I wanted to get into. I haven’t found anything like it.”

Dana Thao

"Eman is 100% the person to learn from"

"Eman is the person you want in your corner when you're sick of "trying" to grow you freelance biz and are ready to do the scary stuff that'll actually grow your business.

I've had front row seats to the phenomenal growth Eman has had in the past couple of years. And it all boils down to one thing: doing the work.

If you want to learn from someone who believes in taking shortcuts to succeed... Eman's not the person. But if you're someone who believes in doing things right, who believes in sustainable growth and long term success...then Eman is 100% the person to learn from.”

– Samar Owais, Emails Done Right

"If you pay attention to Eman’s advice, you’ll go far"

"I'm thrilled Eman's shifted into becoming an educator and coach as her spirit is one of generosity and a sincere desire for the success of others.

If you're one of those people and you pay attention to her advice, you'll go far. For reals.”

Belinda Weaver, Hot Copy Podcast & Copywrite Matters

Sounds AMAZING, right? But here’s the catch…
There are only [!remaining!] spots left

This programme gives you the support you want and deserve, which is why I've only made [!remaining!] spots available. You won’t get lost in the crowd here.

But if you want to join, join now.

Ready to start attracting ideal clients, commanding drool-worthy rates, and earning more working fewer hours?

Only [!remaining!] spots left.

Next cohort starts on 11th March 2024 and ends on 3rd June 2024

1 payment of $3250 (USD)

OR 4 monthly payments of $815

OR 6 monthly payments of $545

[!remaining!] spots left

Join now and get instant access to:

✅ The Like a Boss Pre-Training Workbook

✅ Nail Your Niche Masterclass

✅ Mistakes That Made Me: Private Membership

Then on Day 1 of Like a Boss (11th March), you'll get access to:

✅ The first of 5 Core Training Modules complete with guided workbooks, behind-the-scenes walk-throughs, over-the-shoulder tutorials, and treasured templates

✅ The Private Slack community

✅ Ask Me Anything group calls every two weeks

✅ The Private Podcast Feed

✅ Two 30-minute 1:1 calls with me when you pay in full


This ^^ application form asks you to answer 3 multiple-choice questions. If we're a good fit for each other, once you answer the questions you'll be taken straight through to the checkout page where you can join Like a Boss.

Lifetime access* and 14-day money-back guarantee included.

*Lifetime access = the lifetime of the product and/or my business. I intend for that to be a very long time!

📞📞 Pay in full and get two 1:1 calls with me

The first 30-minute call happens at the start of Like A Boss, so I can get under the hood of your business, better understand your goals and figure out how to best support you.

The second 30-minute call happens at the end of the 12 weeks, so we can review your time and progress in Like a Boss and decide on some next steps for you to work towards once you’ve graduated.

Leave risk at the door with the

Say No More 14-day Money-Back Guarantee

I SAID IT! 👏🏽 14-day money-back guarantee. 

I’m so confident you’ll love Like a Boss: The Live Experience that I’m willing to literally bank on it. 

If you join and then feel like that wasn’t the right decision, I’ll give you a FULL refund within 14 days of you making your payment.

No questions. No hassle.

You’ll get a FULL refund as long as you let my team know within 14 days of purchasing.

All you have to do is drop an email to hey@emancopyco.com and my team will hit undo on your investment. 

Say No More.

Sound good? :)

Get the inside scoop straight from Like a Boss graduates

Note: when you're listening to these interviews, bear in mind that these past students are all copywriters since the last cohort was strictly for copywriters. This March 2024 cohort is for ALL online service providers. You can expect similar results :)

When you join Like a Boss, you’ll figure out how that inner circle of making-it service providers are actually...well...making it

The service providers who…

  • Aren't always searching for clients (and when they are they know exactly where to find them and how to land them)
  • Are making the money they want to make consistently (whether that's $5,000, $8,000 or $10,000 a month)
  • Work with clients that send *them* gifts, that thank *them* and who are an absolute dream to work with
  • Know the systems, processes, and workflows they need to command high rates and have happy clients who are excited (and kinda desperate) to work with them
  • Boast waitlists that turn you green with envy
  • Have five-figure tax bills that make them laugh one minute and cry the next

If you don’t join Like a Boss: The Live Experience before that timer hits zero, here’s what happens...

1 week from now...

You’ll be frustrated because you'll still be feeling stuck.

You’ll know you have so much to offer, so the idea of not achieving your full potential hurts.

6 months from now...

You're on your way to getting where you want to be, but the progress is so slow it feels physically painful.

You still haven't made the mark you want to because you didn't take the fast-track option.

You know you’ll get there eventually because you’re damn smart and talented. But you’re taking the scenic route. The very long, very scenic route.

You watch your peers (the ones who joined Like a Boss six months before) appearing on podcasts, delivering guest training, and showing up visibly as the experts they are.

You still don't know how to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

1 year from now...

You've been working hard for 12 whole months and sure you’ve made progress (that was always inevitable), but it’s not the speedy and intentional progress you wanted.

That vision you have for your life and your business is still just a vision.

Your goals are still unchecked because you've been trapped in project after project and you weren't able to focus on your business development.

Even more wins business owners have seen after joining Like a Boss 👇

(I’ve hidden names and faces to protect my past members’ privacy. I’m sure you understand).

"I feel confident turning down the wrong leads"

“Now that I’ve finished the programme, I feel more confident in what I'm able to deliver. I used to worry and wonder: ‘Why would anyone want to work with me when I haven't worked with all the big names in the industry, and I don’t have all these amazing pieces in my portfolio.’

But now, I know I can do a great job for clients, and I even feel confident turning down the wrong leads.

If I’d never joined Like a Boss, I’d probably still be trying to fit into the mould that clients want me to. But now, I get to decide whether they fit into mine. I was never able to do that before.”

Dana Thao

"The most money I've made in all of my writing career"

"The money I've made in the last 5 months [after completing Like a Boss], is the most money I've made at one time in all of my writing career.

Eman said that in 12 weeks you can have a totally different business. And that is exactly what Like a Boss has done for me.

– Amina Oke

"Last month, I hit $4000 – and that was with two weeks off. It feels easy"

“Coming into Like a Boss, I was making $2000 a month. Today, I'm on track to have a $5000 month.

Last month, I hit $4000 – and that was with two weeks off.

It doesn't feel difficult to hit those numbers and the work is rolling in. It feels easy.”

– Adri Kopp

"Before Like a Boss, my business was a hot mess"

"I'm so glad I found Eman and took the plunge enrolling in Like a Boss.

The training is so comprehensive and covers everything you need to run a successful business.

Before Like a Boss, my business was a hot mess but now, I have a great plan to follow and am excited for the future."

– Helen Marriott

Got questions?
Here’s what other service providers are asking...

Look, the truth is...you’ve already been doing the work

You’re already part of business memberships and communities, which just goes to show how much self-development and self-investment means to you.

You listen to my podcast and you love my emails and free content. Hearing about how fast I grew my business gets you excited.

Because if I did it...that means it's possible, right?

When you first started your business, you were chasing the income.

Now you’re much more interested in building a business that works around your life and aligns with your goals.

Making money still matters - obvs. But working with clients you like, on projects you enjoy, and building a balanced life you love matters more.

Yupp! You’ve already been doing the work.

So joining Like a Boss is just the next natural step for you.

And even though you feel slightly uncomfortable, you know it’s that exciting-exhilarating-pre-growth kind of uncomfortable that makes an appearance every time something special is about to happen.

You’ve already proven you can run a service business.

Now it’s time to build a BOSS service business that aligns with your goals and allows you to fulfil your every dream and potential.

Ready to start attracting ideal clients, commanding drool-worthy rates, and earning more working fewer hours?

Only [!remaining!] spots left.

Next cohort starts on 11th March 2024 and ends on 3rd June 2024

1 payment of $3250 (USD)

OR 4 monthly payments of $815

OR 6 monthly payments of $545

[!remaining!] spots left

Join now and get instant access to:

✅ The Like a Boss Pre-Training Workbook

✅ Nail Your Niche Masterclass

✅ Mistakes That Made Me: The Private Membership

Then on Day 1 of Like a Boss (11th March), you'll get access to:

✅ The first of 5 Core Training Modules complete with guided workbooks, behind-the-scenes walk-throughs, over-the-shoulder tutorials, and treasured templates

✅ The Private Slack community

✅ Ask Me Anything group calls every two weeks

✅ The Private Podcast Feed

✅ Two 30-minute 1:1 calls with me when you pay in full

This ^^ application form asks you to answer 3 multiple-choice questions. If we're a good fit for each other, once you answer the questions you'll be taken straight through to the checkout page where you can join Like a Boss.

Lifetime access* and 14-day money-back guarantee included.

*Lifetime access = the lifetime of the product and/or my business. I intend for that to be a very long time!

"A no-fluff programme that goes into every detail you could possibly need"

"I would have been happy with even half of what we were taught in this programme. The return on investment was amazing.

To the person reading this invite page: just do it. I know it's seems like a huge risk. But the value I got from this programme is beyond anything I can describe in words. It's going to help me in the short and long term beyond what I've ever dreamed of.

I know it's a huge step, but just do it anyway. Feel the fear and do it anyway.”

– Yuval Ackerman

"My quality of life is better"

"Just having these processes in place has made my quality of life better because it's made my business go more smoothly for me.”

– Dionne Anderson

"This is a no-fluff programme"

"This is a no-fluff programme that goes into every detail you could possibly need when it comes to running your service business.”

– Farrah Dafali

"The investment was worth it!"

Yes, it was a bit of a stretch for me to sign up. But I had to take that leap of faith. And it's paying off for me now, so the investment was worth it."

– Wayne Holt

"The Slack group is filled with so much... LOVE"

I knew the Slack group was a perk of the programme, but I've been in other programmes where I barely engaged with the Slack group at all.

They weren't active and I didn't feel connected to them. So I guess I didn't give it much thought, and kind of dismissed the Slack feature as being a possibly ho-hum part of the programme. An inclusion, but one that might not have much value.

Instead, Eman created an environment filled with so much... I want to say... LOVE. Which sounds odd for a group of people from all over the world who had never met in real life, and had only just met online. But there it is.”

Zoe Heard

"One client loved my process so much that she booked me for a few more projects before she'd finished looking at my deliverables"

“By the time I was halfway through the programme, I had already implemented the processes Eman shared with us.

One client loved my new process so much that she booked me for a few more projects before she’d even finished looking at my deliverables. Just off the back of my process and her great customer experience!”

Alicia Castro

"Eman is one of the best"

“I knew Eman would be able to provide the coaching I’ve been missing. And I kept thinking, ‘Well, what would happen if I don't join the programme?’

I realised things would be the same. I’d still be wandering around trying to figure out the foundations my business needs, and I’d still be trying to piecemeal it together from different courses.

In the end, I decided I was going to take a chance on me and invest in myself and my business, and learn from Eman because I know she's one of the best.”

Dana Thao